How It Works
Happy Moms Consignment Sale provides a service to local families, by setting up and coordinating seasonal sales for their gently-loved children's items such as clothing, toys, accessories, and more! Base level consignors pay a small 40% commission (ONLY 35% if seller sells over 50% of his/her items) in return for using the service to quickly clean up and cash-in on children's items that they no longer need or want.
While providing a service for the selling of consignors' items, we at Happy Moms understand that we are simply partnering together with the consignors in the combined effort to establish the best events possible. Therefore, each consignor has the option of contributing time and energy in order to accumulate equity in their individual partnership by assisting with tasks in order to make the event better, sell more of their own items, and therefore, receive a greater financial profit for their participation.
The time commitments are set up in 3-hour time periods, and for each 3-hour period a consignor partners with us, the equity..and benefits increase as follows:
Partner one 3-Hour period and receive the following on top of the base level:
You pay us 3% less commission on your first $1500 in sales.
Free ticket ($20 Value) to the Smiling Team Presale. (Click here for dates & times)
- An additional Disney Point!
*In order to receive any of the following incentives for partnering 2 or 3 shifts, at least one shift must be a drop-off shift, a re-sort/Pickup shift, OR another shift specifically requested by Happy Moms. In order to receive the incentives of partnering 4 or more shifts, at least two shifts must be drop-off shifts, re-sort/pick-up shifts, or other shifts specifically requested by Happy Moms.*
Partner two (non-overlapping) 3-Hour shifts and receive the following:
- Pay us 5% less commission than the base rate (40%) on your first $1500 in sales!
- Free ticket ($30 Value) to the Happy Team Presale.
Partner three (non-overlapping) 3-hour shifts and receive the following:
- Free ticket ($40 value) to the Happier Team Presale.
Partner four (non-overlapping) 3-hour shifts and receive the following:
Pay us 10% less commission than the base rate (40%) of your first $1500 in sales
- Free ticket ($50 Value) to the Happiest Team Presale.
Partner five or more (non-overlapping) 3-hour periods and receive the following:
- Free ticket ($60 Value) to the Ecstatic Team Member Presale.
Anyone that signs up to partner a period, shops with a free team ticket at a presale, and then does notfulfill the designated period(s) (or a period in its place) will earn only 50% of his/her sales and will not be allowed to partner periods at future Happy Mom events. In order for us to continue to charge such small commissions and have items AND checks ready so soon after the event, we must be able to depend on individuals fulfilling the periods to which they have committed. Thank you for understanding!
*Please note that Happy Moms can reward certain marketing/advertising campaigns as partner periods, and reserves the right to consider certain specific periods, filled by Happy Moms request only, to count as more than one period.
**No time to tag?? We can help!! Click here for more info**